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People in the meeting talking brainstorming

SAP Cloud Platforms

Choosing the correct SAP Platform future-proofs your company’s business-critical SAP workloads.

Start your SAP cloud journey with us

SAP solutions are constantly evolving resulting in many options for running and operating your SAP systems. Workloads can be run on-premise or in the cloud or a hybrid. Responsibilities are shared across SAP, you as a company and your partners. We at Tietoevry make sure that whatever fits your company best is covered through our services.

We offer you private and public cloud SAP Platforms, and SAP Basis, all capable of providing state-of-the-art availability and disaster recovery capabilities. All our platforms are SAP supported as we are an SAP certified partner.

Antti Heinonen

Head of SAP Platforms, Tietoevry Tech Services

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